Douglas County, NV - The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is pleased to announce the launch of its new Vulnerable Person Registry, available in both English and Spanish. This registry aims to provide quick access to critical information about registered vulnerable persons in the community, in order to increase safety and reduce potential risks.
The Vulnerable Person Registry is a voluntary database that contains important information about registered individuals, such as emergency contacts, detailed physical descriptions, and any specific sensitivities or behaviors that may pose a danger to the person. This information can be crucial for law enforcement officers when responding to emergency situations involving vulnerable persons.
A vulnerable person is defined as someone who may exhibit patterns of behavior that could potentially pose a danger to themselves due to medical, cognitive, mental health or physical conditions. Examples of vulnerable persons include those with autism, dementia, acquired brain injuries, cerebral palsy, and more.
The goal of this registry is to provide law enforcement officers with quick access to vital information about registered individuals so they can effectively assist in emergency situations. In the event that a registered vulnerable person is thought to be at risk, their personal information will be shared with relevant organizations who can quickly respond and provide assistance.
"We are proud to launch this new registry as part of our commitment towards ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of our community,” said Sheriff Dan Coverley. “We understand the unique challenges faced by vulnerable persons and we believe this registry will greatly assist law enforcement in providing timely and effective support when needed."
Registration for the Vulnerable Person Registry is completely voluntary and all personal information will be kept confidential. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office encourages all eligible individuals or their caregivers/guardians to register for this valuable resource.
To register for the Vulnerable Person Registry or for more information, please visit https://sheriff.douglascountynv.gov/services/records__reports/vulnerable_person_registry