Minden, Nevada- The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office (DCSO) is preparing efforts to insure public safety for visitors and residences during the upcoming New Year’s Eve celebrations happening in Lake Tahoe. Public safety is the number one priority, and that is why DCSO is asking people to be aware of the following information:
Due to the high volume of celebrants within the Stateline casino area during this time, U.S. Highway 50 may be closed to vehicle traffic in the evening, if necessary. Should that occur, vehicle traffic will be diverted around the core Stateline casino area using upper and lower Lake Parkway Drive.
Drivers, allow yourself additional time to make it to your destination. Be cautious of wintertime travel, and anticipate poor road conditions caused by weather. Be prepared with snow tires or carry tire chains/cables.
For additional information regarding road conditions and closures, the public is strongly encouraged to check the Nevada Department of Transportation for updates at https://www.dot.nv.gov/.
Law Enforcement Presence
Throughout Carson Valley and the Lake Tahoe Basin, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office will have a high presence, along with numerous other law enforcement agencies, including Nevada State Police, South Lake Tahoe Police Department, El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office, and California Highway Patrol. Supporting agencies include the Douglas County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, Douglas County Communications Center, Tahoe-Douglas Fire Department, Cal-Trans and Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT).
Public Safety Reminders
The goal of the Sheriff’s Office is to protect life and property while at the same time allowing celebrants to enthusiastically ring in the New Year. However, behaviors that will not be tolerated by law enforcement are incidents that place celebrants or law enforcement officers in jeopardy; including acts of excessive rowdiness, fighting, throwing projectiles, vandalism, theft, narcotic violations, severe public drunkenness, possession of or discharge of fireworks, minors consuming or possessing alcohol, or any other act that disrupts the goal of achieving a safe environment for all.
Persons planning to be in the Stateline area on December 31, 2021 to January 01, 2022 are reminded glass or metal containers, regardless of contents, are prohibited in the casino area. Any containers, and their contents, will be confiscated for destruction by law enforcement. Alcohol or other liquids should be in a plastic or paper cup. Area casinos are aware of this requirement, and will serve alcoholic beverages in plastic cups throughout the evening.
Pedestrians should practice caution when walking in the Stateline area. If you choose to walk, avoid excessive drinking, wear bright colored clothing, stick to sidewalks, and only cross at designated crosswalks.
Deputies will be on high alert and make every effort to keep roads safer for both drivers and pedestrians.
The National Weather Service reports this New Year’s weekend will be frigid with wind chills likely ranging from near zero to 15 degrees on New Year’s Eve. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office recommends persons planning to be outside to celebrate the holiday, dress accordingly and check weather updates at https://www.weather.gov/rev/.
Youth and Child Safety
Parents must be mindful of their children’s whereabouts and activities, especially during the New Year’s Eve celebration. The casino core is not intended for participation by minors. Douglas County curfew is midnight on Friday, December 31st, 2021. Persons under the age of eighteen are subject to citation for being in violation of this ordinance. Persons under the age of twenty-one who are in possession of alcohol, have consumed, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be subject to arrest.
“Call for a Ride. Stay Alive.”
Local agencies are continuing the anti-drunk driving campaign launched in 2020 aimed at helping our community stay safer by encouraging ride alternatives to those who are drinking and need to get home. The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office reminds you law enforcement will be out in full force on New Year’s Eve looking for impaired drivers. Don’t risk harming others, losing your license, your car and freedom. Plan before you start drinking. Safe alternatives to driving impaired include: designate a sober driver, take a cab or use a ride-share app, stay the night if you are somewhere safe, and if you see a drunk driver call 9-1-1. Remember, you can celebrate the holiday, but one poor decision to drink and drive could bring a devastating start to the new year you can’t take back. Call for a ride so you and others stay alive.