Closed Bids

RFP NameStatusDescriptionPosted onDeadline
Cave Rock Water Treatment Plant Strainer Replacement Project

Sealed Bids for the construction of the Cave Rock Water Treatment Plant Strainer Replacement project will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, at the office of Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office), until 2:00 PM local time on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.  The Project consists of replacing a manual raw water strainer with two automatic raw water strainers.

  1. Bid Documents may be examined and obtained electronically via Quest Construction Data Network ( project number 9129639.

  2. A pre-bid conference will not be held for this project. Please arrange site visits with Nicholas Charles at the contact information shown below.

  3. The Engineers estimate for this work is $230,000.

  4. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.

  5. Douglas County contact: Nicholas Charles, PE                                                                                   Phone: 775-782-6239

    Email: [email protected]

  6. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission shall be paid on projects with a contract price of $1000,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public Works Project Number DO-2024-390 to this project.

  7. NRS 338.147 provides for a five percent (5%) bidder preference to bidders who establish that they qualify for the preference.

  8. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is Thursday, October 17, 2024.

2024/09/202024/10/23View Details
Notice of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Nevada Legislative Representation and Lobbying Services Douglas County, NV

Due Date and Time: August 23, 2024, at 4:00pm

Submittal Location: Electronic (Preferred):

Email: [email protected] 

Physical (If necessary & must be in by 4:00 pm on August 23, 2024): Douglas County Manager’s Office

Scott Morgan, Assistant County Manager
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
PO Box 218
Minden, NV 89423


Scott Morgan, Assistant County Manager Phone: 775-782-9003

Email (preferred): [email protected]

1. Introduction

Notice is hereby given that the Douglas County Manager’s Office, hereinafter referred to as the “County” is issuing this RFQ to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms qualified to provide Legislative services to Douglas County, NV. A preliminary Scope of Work (SOW) is attached as Exhibit A for review by interested firms. Douglas County has engaged in a contract lobbyist firm to represent its interests for over a decade. Through this RFQ, the County is seeking competitive proposals to continue and potentially expand services.

The County invites interested firms to reply to this RFQ by submitting a responsive SOQ documenting the qualifications and experience of the firm with similar projects relevant to the SOW. All SOQs must be received by the due date and time at the submittal location specified herein. Any SOQ received after the due date and time assigned will not be considered. All information regarding the content of the specific submittals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized, or all submittals are rejected.

2. Background

Centrally located just 15 minutes south of Nevada’s state capital and bordering the truly one-of-a-kind Lake Tahoe, with all its summer and winter activities, Douglas County is recognized as the gem of Northern Nevada. On Nevada’s western border, framed by the Carson Range of the Sierra Nevada and Pine Nut Mountains, Douglas County unfolds. Here you can still find miles of open space, expansive ranches and farms, and many sites of historical significance, along with a wealth of outdoor activities. Douglas County has more than 50,000 full-time residents and seasonal populations that can exceed 65,000 due to its proximity to Reno, Carson City, and northern California. Douglas County is governed by a five- member elected Board of Commissioners. The County is comprised of ten functional areas: General Government, Judicial, Public Safety, Public Works, Sanitation, Health, Welfare, Culture and Recreation, Community Support, and Utilities.

Douglas County is a unique Rural County to the state of Nevada. Its priorities and challenges can be viewed in the newly adopted Strategic Plan. Preference will be given to firms with experience representing Northern Nevada rural local governments, as well as proposals offering both state and federal legislative representation and lobbying services.

Douglas County takes a proactive approach to addressing the issues identified below and frequently engages the State in developing solutions. A strong presence during each State legislative session and healthy relationships with legislators, public officials, industry organizations, and other local government agencies are necessary to expand the County’s level of engagement and influence, as well as further the County’s goals for Balanced Growth and Infrastructure, Preserving Douglas County’s Natural Beauty and Rural Character, Serving with Quality County Services, and Enhancing Residents’ Quality of Life.

3. Selection Process

A selection panel will evaluate all responsive SOQs received. The County will identify the most qualified firm based on scoring the SOQs by the selection panel. While the award will most likely be determined based on the scoring of the SOQs submitted, the top firms may be asked to present their qualifications to the selection panel to aid in the process. The County reserves the right to make such additional investigations as it deems necessary to establish the competency and financial stability of any party submitting a SOQ.

The firm determined to be best qualified will be invited to enter into negotiations with the County to develop a refined scope of services, budget, and schedule to perform the professional services outlined herein. Once the negotiations are successfully completed the firm will be required to enter into a Contract for Professional Services with the County. A sample contract is attached as Exhibit B for review.

4. Instructions

This RFQ is intended to solicit proposals for the purpose of selecting a firm to provide legislative representation and lobbying services at the direction of the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners and under the management of the County Manager’s Office.

a.      Submittal Format

Firms interested in responding to the RFQ may do so by submitting an SOQ in electronic format as a PDF to the email address listed under the Submittal Location. If the PDF file is too large to email, it may be submitted on a flash drive to the physical address listed under the Submittal Location or a downloadable link sent to the e-mail provided. The County will not provide any reimbursement for the cost of developing or presenting the SOQ. The entire may not exceed 20 pages of single-spaced text (excluding the appendix).

b.      Preparation of SOQ and Scoring

SOQs shall be limited to the items listed below. Firms are advised to follow these instructions and submit only the requested information. For the purposes of this RFQ, a page will be defined as one side of an 8.5” x 11” sheet with a minimum font size of 11. Prior to submitting an SOQ, it is the responsibility of the firm to examine the entire RFQ and seek clarification of any part that may not be clear and to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of all information and responses.

The SOQs will be scored based on a maximum of 100 points total. Points will be awarded based on the responsiveness of the firm to each of the categories, overall experience, and qualifications to perform the work. A summary of the scoring categories is provided as follows:

Category                                                                          Maximum Points

Qualifications and Experience___________________________________ 25

Project Understanding and Approach______________________________ 30

Firm’s Personnel Experience____________________________________ 25

Budget-Scope of work, conflicts, exclusions or enhancements____________ 20

Total____________________________________________________ 100

(1)                Statement of Qualifications (25 Points):

Please provide a brief overview of the firm’s history and experience; identify a single point of contact for all future correspondence; specify who will directly be performing the services; identify any potential conflicts of interest either real or perceived, if none then state accordingly; and be signed by a member of the firm capable of negotiating and entering into contracts for professional services.

The entire SOQ shall be limited to a maximum of twenty (20) pages and organized into the six categories listed in this section document. The page count includes all pages submitted including cover sheet, table of contents, appendices, etc. but does not include the cover letter.

(2)               Project Understanding and Approach (30 Points):

(i)         Demonstrate an understanding of the scope of work, the intended approach to accomplishing the work and an overview of the firm’s total capabilities and services by providing the following:

(ii)      An overview of the firm including its history, office location(s), principals, major clients, and total capabilities of the services offered that may include the services required to accomplish this project but may also extend to other services not specific to the project.

1.   If you are teaming with a sub-firm, touch on similar information for that firm as well.

(iii)  Re-statement of the scope of work as you understand it based upon the material provided herein.

(iv)  Describe the firm’s understanding of current trends and issues for Douglas County’s rural challenges and strengths as it relates to legislative matters.

(v)     Describe the firm’s knowledge and experience in analyzing and reviewing proposed legislation, participating in administrative rule development and interim work groups, analyzing the proposed State budget, educating clients about the impact of legislation, advising clients on potential courses of action, and preparing legislative strategies and plans, in advance of the legislative session.

(vi)     Outline a process for establishing and maintaining strong working relationships with State legislators and staff representing all political affiliations, public officials and State agencies, special interest and industry groups, local governments, and other organizations involved in the legislative process; and

(vii)   Describe legislative information and bill-tracking software used by the firm to identify and monitor introduced legislation of interest to the County and to generate weekly status reports.

(viii) Outline the process in which you will implement for bill tracking a review. Describe the timeline for when bills are reviewed and discussed prior to introduction.

(3)               Personnel Experience and Availability (25 Points):

a.       Demonstrate the experience and availability of the personnel that will be assigned to work on and manage the project by providing the following information:

b.      Organizational chart showing the firm’s key personnel and sub-firms as may be appropriate and the respective roles of the team members.

c.       Resumé of key personnel and sub-firms that will work on or manage the contract.

1. Registrations, certificates, and other formal qualifications.

d.      Capacity/availability of key personnel and sub-firms to perform the work.

e.       Describe how the assigned staff members will interact with DC Commissioners and staff.

f.        Describe team experience with similar or related contractual services.

(4)               Budget-Scope of work, conflicts, exclusions or enhancements (20 Points):

Provide a detailed budget for the full contractual period itemized in accordance with each of the responsibilities, tasks, and activities outlined in the scope of work as well as any additional elements proposed. The budget should be organized in such a way that each item is priced individually, allowing Douglas County to select all or a portion of the services and negotiate a total contract price accordingly. Please outline if there are services outlined in Exhibit A which could not be provided for the budget identified or if you believe that there are additional services you can provide which are enhancements to the services outlined in Exhibit A. This is also the area which you could identify any potential conflicts you may have if selected to represent Douglas County.

(5)               Please attach the following supporting documents:

1.  A list of clients from the 2021, 2022, and 2023 legislative sessions.

2.  An organizational chart.

3.  Resumes of key project staff.

4.  A sample legislative tracking report.

5.  Your responses to instructions 1-4.


5.    Inquiries.

Any question related to this RFQ shall be directed to Scott Morgan, whose contact information appears at the top of this RFQ. Official questions regarding this Notice must be submitted in writing no later than 4:00 PM on August 9, 2024. Questions may then be responded to by written amendment only.

Oral statements or instructions shall not constitute an amendment to the RFQ.

6.      Award of Contract.

Notwithstanding any other provision of the solicitation, the County reserves the right to:

a.      Waive any immaterial defect or informality; or

b.      Reject any or all submittals and/or SOQs, or portions thereof; or

c.      Reissue the RFQ.

7.      Late Submittals

Any submittals will not be considered after 4:00pm on August 23, 2024.

8.      Exhibits

The following exhibits are attached and made a part of this RFQ:

a.       Exhibit A - Sample Scope of Work

b.       Exhibit B - Contract for Professional Services (Sample)

2024/07/242024/08/23View Details
Foothill Sewer Air Vac Project – Phase 3
  1. Sealed Bids for the construction of the Foothill Sewer Air Vac Project – Phase 3 will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, at the office of Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office), until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.The Project consists of constructing demolishing and rebuilding 5 existing air vacuum valve assemblies and rehabilitating 2 existing air vacuum valve assemblies..

  2. Bid Documents may be examined and obtained electronically via Quest Construction Data Network ( project number 9182277.

  3. The Engineers estimate for this work is $150,000.

  4. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.

  5. Douglas County contact: Christine Larrance  Phone: 775-783-6026 Email: [email protected]

  6. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission shall be paid on projects with a contract price of $100,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public Works Project Number DO-2024-291 to this project.

  7. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is Friday, July 05, 2024.

2024/06/242024/07/11View Details
Herbig Park Bathroom Improvements
The scheduled work for the project consists of Foundation and utilities for Pre-Manufactured Building and site improvements
The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm Thursday, June 20th. Click on the documents below for more information.
Addendum One.doc
Addendum One Foundation Details.pdf
Addendum Two.doc
Addendum Two Electrical Bid Set.pdf
Addendum Three.doc
Addendum Three Plans.pdf
1 Advertisement for Bids.doc
00)00 Cover Sheet.doc 
0)01 Table of Contents.doc
2)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc 
3a)3.A Bid Form.doc 3b)3.B Bid Bond.doc 3c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.doc 3d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.docx 3e)3.E Affidavit of  Compliance.docx 
4)4 Agreement.doc 
5a)5.A Construction Performance Bond.doc 5b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.doc 
6)6 General Conditions.doc 
7)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 
8)2024-05-24 Civil Bid Set (22x34) Signed.pdf
Bid Tally.doc
Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager 
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410 

2024/05/282024/06/21View Details
Airport Planning Consultant ServicesAdvertisement for Bids 
Planning Consultant Services, Minden-Tahoe Airport
The services consist of ongoing master planning, environmental planning, layout,
site selection, and other comprehensive aviation planning services at the
Minden-Tahoe Airport.
End Date July 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Sealed proposals for Engineering Services, Minden-Tahoe Airport, will be
received by Douglas County at 1146 Airport Road, Minden, Nevada 89423 until
July 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Proposals received after the end date and time will
not be opened or considered.

Bid Contact
Heather MacDonnell
Airport Manager
P.O. Box 218
Minden, Nevada 89423
[email protected]

Bid ID Number 2024AP001
Full Document: Notice Planning RFQ.pdf
Contract : County Contract.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
2024/05/062024/07/01View Details
Dangberg Home Ranch Foundation RestorationDangberg Home Ranch Foundation Restoration

The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Thursday June 6th, 2024.  
Click on the documents below for more information.
The scheduled work for the project consists of foundation and adjacent structure restorations.
Advertisement For Bids- DHR Foundtion Restoration Project.pdf
00)00 Cover Sheet.doc
01)01 Table of Contents.doc
2)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
3a) 3.A Bid Form.doc3b) 3.B Bid Bond.doc 3c) 3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.doc  3d) 3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.docx3e) 3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx
4)4 Agreement.doc 
5a) 5.A Construction Performance Bond.doc
5b) 5.B Construction Payment Bond.doc
6) 6 General Conditions.doc 
7)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
8) Plans.pdf
10)Addendum One.doc
11)Addendum Two.doc
12Bid Tally.doc

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager 
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410 

2024/04/302024/06/21View Details
Inspection of Gravity Sewer Mains

Request for Proposals

  1. Sealed Bids for the inspection of gravity sewer mains will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, at the office of Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office) or at [email protected], until 2:00 PM local time on Thursday, March 28, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project consists of inspecting approximately 47,600 feet of sewer main.

  2. The request for proposals may be examined and obtained electronically by contacting Nicholas Charles at [email protected]

  3. No pre-bid conference will be held for this project. Contractors are encouraged to schedule a site visit with the Douglas County representative listed below.

  4. The Engineers estimate for this work is $125,000.

  5. Douglas County contact:Nicholas Charles, PE

    Phone: (775) 782-6239

    Email: [email protected]

  6. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is Friday, March 22, 2024.

2024/03/042024/03/28View Details
Title 20 Code Graphics

Issue Date: March 04, 2024
Due Date and Time: April 04, 2024, at 4:00 pm local

Submittal Location: Electronic (Preferred):
Email: [email protected]

Physical (If necessary & must be in by 4 pm):
Douglas County Community Development
Attn:  Andrea Pawling, Deputy Director
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
PO Box 218
Minden, NV 89423

Link toRFQ Bid Package.

Questions: Andrea Pawling, Deputy Director
Ph:  775.782.6210
Email (preferred):  [email protected]

Notice is hereby given that the Douglas County Community Development Department, hereinafter referred to as the “County” is issuing this RFQ to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms qualified to create illustrations, images, tables, and other graphics for the Title 20 Code updates for Douglas County, NV.  The RFQ document is available for download at the County's website specified herein.

The County invites interested firms to reply to this RFQ by submitting a responsive SOQ documenting the qualifications and experience of the firm and its staff.  All SOQs must be received by the due date and time at the submittal location specified herein.  Any SOQ received after the due date and time assigned will not be considered.  All information regarding the content of the specific submittals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized, or all submittals are rejected.

2024/03/042024/04/04View Details
Muller Parkway ImprovementsSection 00 11 13 – Advertisement for Bids

Notice: All responsible bidding needs to be done through Quest CDN for proper notification of addendums and changes. 

1. Sealed Bids for the construction of the Muller Parkway Improvements will be received by the
Douglas County Regional Transportation Committee, at the office of Douglas County Public
Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office), until 2:00 pm local time on
Thursday, March 28, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.
The Project consists of constructing a portion of Muller Parkway.

2. Bid Documents may be examined and obtained electronically via Quest Construction Data
Network ( project number 9002873.

3. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 am local time on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at
Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423. Attendance at the prebid
conference is highly encouraged but is not mandatory.

4. The Engineers estimate for base bid and additive alternate one is $9,000,000 to $11,000,000

5. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in
an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.

6. Douglas County contact: Jon Erb P.E.
Phone: (775) 782-6233
Email: [email protected]

7. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission shall be paid on projects
with a contract price of $100,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public
Works Project Number DO 2024-227 to this project.

8. NRS 338.147 provides for a five percent (5%) bidder preference to bidders who establish that
they qualify for the preference.

9. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is Friday,
March 22, 2024.
Dated __March 2, 2024

Douglas County Public Works
Jon S. Erb, P.E.; Transportation Engineering Manager
2024/03/012024/03/28View Details
Chemical Sales Weed Control 2024

The sales consist of chemicals to be used by the Douglas County Weed Control Division in their normal course of operation, primarily weed killer and fertilizer. A sample list of the chemicals is provided in the “Product List” (Attachment A).

Douglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting: Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified vendors to supply chemicals to the Weed Control Division of Douglas County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Request for Proposal Documents.

1)Advertisement and Invitation to Bid Weed Chemicals 2.2024.docx
2)Attachment A- Product List 2024.docx
3)Attachment B - Request for Bid Form 2.2024 (002).doc
Bid Tally Bid Tally (Weed Control Chemical 2024).docx
Bids are due by 9AM, March 21, 2024 
Contact: Ryan Stanton
Parks Superintendent; Community Services Department 

1329 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville, NV 89410 
[email protected]

2024/02/212024/03/21View Details
Pavement Maintenance Project FY23/24The scheduled work for the Pavement Maintenance Project FY23/24 is located at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center and at the Johnson Lane Park it consists of construction of pavement maintenance. The bids shall be received on or before 10:00am February 29, 2024 at Douglas County Community Services Office, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 10:01 at Douglas County Community Services Office, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Click on the following documents for more information. 
00)00 Cover Sheet.doc
01)01 Table of Contents.doc
1)1 Advertisement for Bids.pdf
2)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
3)3 Bid Form.doc 3b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 3c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 3d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 3e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 
4)4 Agreement.doc
5a)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf
5b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 
6)6 General Conditions.doc
7)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
8)Community and Senior Center.pdf
9)Johnson Lane Park.pdf
10)Work Description.doc
Bid Tally Bid Tally.doc

Contact: Scott McCullough
Project Manager
Phone: (775) 790-5212
2024/01/312024/02/29View Details
Records Fire Suppression SystemThe scheduled work for the Records Fire Suppression System and is located at 1120 Airport Road DI, Minden, NV 89423 and consists of FM 200 suppression, FA and architectural improvements. Separate sealed bids will be received by Douglas County, care of Douglas County Project Manager, Minden,
Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Records Fire Suppression System. The bids shall be
received on or before 2:00 pm February 8, 2024 at Douglas County Parks Office. 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 2:01pm.

A second Pre-Bid Meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2024 at 10:00am at 1120 Airport Road Building D-1, Minden.

Click on the following documents for more information

Advertisement for Bids.pdf 
00)00 Cover Sheet.doc 01)01 Table of Contents.doc
2)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
3)3 Bid Form.doc 3b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 3c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 3d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 3e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx
4)4 Agreement.doc
5)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 5b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 
6)6 General Conditions.doc
7)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
9)Addendum One.doc
10)Pre-Bid Sign in Sheet.pdf
11)Addendum Two.pdf
12) Bid Tally.pdf 

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager 
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410
2023/12/272024/02/08View Details
Genoa Community Church PaintingThe Town of Genoa is accepting quotes for exterior painting of the Genoa Community Church located at 182 Nixon Street, Genoa NV 89411. Please refer to click here for quote pre-requisites. All quotes must be received by the Genoa Town Office no later than 2:00 p.m. on January 5, 2024. Call 775-782-8696 for additional information.2023/12/182024/01/05View Details
2023/09/252023/10/25View Details
Bid Documents for the Metal Storage Building Project. The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm October 24, 2023 at Douglas County Parks Office, 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 2:01pm at the Douglas County Parks Office, 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410 Click on the following documents for more information
0) 00 Cover Sheet.doc 01) 01 Table of Contents.doc 
1) 1 Advertisement for Bids.doc
2) 2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
3) 3 Bid Form.doc 3b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 3c) 3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 3d3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf
3e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 
4)4 Agreement.doc
5)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 5b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 
6) 6 General Conditions.doc 
7) 7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 
8)  Site and Grading Plan.pdf
9)1. Project Requirements.doc 9-1a)3. Attachment 2 Metal Building.pdf 9-1b) 2. Attachment 1 MDR.pdf
10a) Addendum One.doc 10b)Addendum One Attachment 60x80 Metal Building.pdf
11)Bid Tally.pdf

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410

2023/09/212023/10/24View Details
Buckeye Creek Flood Mitigation Feasibility Study (RFQ)

Notice of Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
22F29.10 Buckeye Creek Flood Mitigation Feasibility Study

Douglas County, NV

Issue Date: August 5, 2023

Due Date and Time: September 15, 2023 at 5:00 pm local
RFQ Available at:
Submittal Location: Electronic (Preferred):
Email: [email protected]
Physical (If necessary):
Douglas County Community Development
Attn: Jeremy J. Hutchings, PE County Engineer
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
PO Box 218
Minden, NV 89423
Questions: Jeremy J. Hutchings, PE County Engineer
Ph: 775.782.9063
Email: [email protected]

Related Documents:
01.1 RFQ - Buckeye Creek Flood Mitigation Study

Notice is hereby given that the Douglas County Community Development Department, hereinafter referred to as the “County” is issuing this RFQ to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms qualified to prepare a feasibility study for the Buckeye Creek Flood Mitigation project in Douglas County, NV.

The County invites interested firms to reply to this RFQ by submitting a responsive SOQ documenting the qualifications and experience of the firm with similar projects relevant to the SOW.  All SOQs must be received by the due date and time at the submittal location specified herein.  Any SOQ received after the due date and time assigned will not be considered.  All information regarding the content of the specific submittals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized, or all submittals are rejected.

2023/08/022023/09/15View Details
RFP Bids for Walley's Well & Genoa Lakes Well 2 Electrical Improvements

RFP Bids for Walley's Well & Genoa Lakes Well 2 Electrical Improvements

Posted on: 2023/07/25

1. Sealed Bids for the construction of the Walley’s Well & Genoa Lakes Well 2 Electrical Improvements will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, at the office of Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office), until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The Project consists of construction of new electrical equipment at the Walley’s Well and Genoa Lakes Well 2.

2. Bid Documents may be examined and obtained electronically via Quest Construction Data Network ( project number 8529887.

3. No pre-bid conference will be held for this project. Contractors are encouraged to schedule a site visit with the Douglas County representative listed below.

4. The Engineers estimate for this work is $150,000.

5. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.

6. Douglas County contact: Nicholas Charles, PE
Phone: (775) 782-6239
Email: [email protected]

7. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission shall be paid on projects with a contract price of $100,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public Works Project Number DO-2023-452 to this project.

8. NRS 338.147 provides for a five percent (5%) bidder preference to bidders who establish that they qualify for the preference.

9. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
2023/07/252023/08/22View Details
Enterprise Resource Planning

RFP Bids for Enterprise Resource Planning


Posted on: 2023/07/24

Douglas County, NV (“County”) is evaluating new software to satisfy its Finance, Human Resources, and Utility Billing information management applications needs.

Response instructions are contained in Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the Request for Proposals (RFP) document.

Section 5 of the RFP contains feature/function and other information worksheets. Please complete these worksheets using the electronic forms (Excel format) and as directed in the RFP instructions. The electronic forms have been locked where possible to ensure the integrity of the information.

The proposal should include all costs associated with training, implementation, hardware specifications, interface estimates, file-conversion assistance, custom modification estimates, annual maintenance, and support.

• Send the intent to propose notification to Terri Willoughby, Chief Financial Officer (County Point of Contact, “POC”) by email to [email protected] no later than August 14, 2023.

• Send any questions related to this RFP in writing to the POC via email no later than August 21, 2023. Only written questions submitted by email by the above-stated date will be accepted.

• Please submit your proposal by 4 p.m. (PT) September 8, 2023, as follows:

One (1) copy emailed to the POC at [email protected]

One (1) copy electronically on a flash drive to:

Terri Willoughby
Chief Financial Officer
Douglas County
1594 Esmeralda Ave
Minden, NV 89423

Thank you for your participation. We look forward to reviewing your proposal.

Point of Contact: 

Terri Willoughby
Chief Financial Officer
Douglas County
1594 Esmeralda Ave
Minden, NV 89423


1. Enterprise Resource Planning RFP Document
2. Douglas County RFP for Grant Writing Services - Offeror Cost Proposal Form
3. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Document 2023-07-13a (CF)
4. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendix A2 People Mgt 2023-07-11a (CF)
5. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendix A3 CIS-UB 2023-07-11a (CF)
6. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendix A4 Other 2023-07-11a (CF)
7. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendix A4 Other 2023-07-11a (CF)
8. Copy of Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendices B-J 2023-07-11a (CF) (002).xlsx
9. Douglas Cnty ERP-UB - RFP Appendix A1 Finance Mgt 2023-07-11a (CF).xlsx
10. Douglas Co ERP-UB - RFP Vendor Questions Initial Resp Draft 2023-08-22c (CF).pdf


To be properly and timely considered, an electronic copy of the Offeror’s proposal must be received no later than 4 p.m. (PST), on September 8, 2023.
2023/07/242023/09/08View Details
Pickleball Court ProjectPickleball Court Project 
The scheduled work for the Pickleball Court project is located at 1329 waterloo Lane Gardnerville, NV 89410 and consists of construction of eight new pickleball courts.  
1) Cover Sheet: 00 Cover Sheet.doc
2) Table of Contents: 01 Table of Contents.doc
3)Advertisement: Advertisement.pdf
4)Instructions to Bidders: 2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
5) Bid Form and Attachments: 5a)3.A Bid Form.doc 5b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 5c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf
5d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 5e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 
6)Agreement: 6a) 4 Agreement.doc 6b)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 6c)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf
7)General Conditions: 6 General

8)Supplementary Conditions: 7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
10)Plans: Plans.pdf
11) Addendum 11a)Addendum One.doc 11b)2023-05-23 DC Pickleball Bid Schedule.pdf

12)Bid Tally Bid Tally.doc

Due June 27, 2023 no later than 2PM
Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410

2023/05/242023/06/27View Details
Pine View Estates Sewer Extension Feasibility Study Pine View Estates Sewer Extension Feasibility Study
Also referred to as Ruhenstroth Sewer Feasibility Study

Notice is hereby given that the Douglas County Community Development Department, hereinafter referred to as the “County” is issuing this RFQ to solicit Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms qualified to prepare a feasibility study for the Pine View Estate Sewer Extension Feasibility Study Project in Douglas County, NV. The County is seeking to determine the feasibility of extending the existing sanitary sewer from the Wa She Shu Casino in Gardnerville to the Ruhenstroth area. The RFQ document is available for download at the County's website specified herein.

The County invites interested firms to reply to this RFQ by submitting a responsive SOQ documenting the qualifications and experience of the firm. All SOQs must be received by the due date and time at the submittal location specified herein. Any SOQ received after the due date and time assigned will not be considered. All information regarding the content of the specific submittals will remain confidential until a contract is finalized, or all submittals are rejected.

Bid package document

Issue Date: May 1, 2023
Due Date and Time: June 5, 2023, at 5:00 pm local

Questions: Jeremy J. Hutchings, PE County Engineer
Ph: 775.782.9063
Email: [email protected]
2023/05/012023/06/05View Details
The Genoa Town Church Foundation ProjectSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Town of Genoa care of Project Manager, Genoa Town Manager David Qualls, for work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Genoa Town Church Foundation Project. The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm, May 15, 2023 at the Town of Genoa Office, 2289 Main St, Genoa, NV 89411. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 2:01 at the Town of Genoa Office, 2289 Main St. Genoa, NV 89411. The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on May 15, 2023, followed by a thorough review by the town to ensure bid as responsive and responsible. The town manager will make a recommendation for award to the Genoa Town Advisory Board at their scheduled meeting held on June 7, 2023.


1. Genoa Town Church Foundation Project PDF

2. Plan Sub 3 PDF

3. Structural Calcs SUB 2 PDF


David Qualls, Town Manager of Genoa
Cell (775) 782-8696
Email: [email protected]


2:00 pm, May 15, 2023

2023/04/242023/05/15View Details
Surveillance Improvement ProjectSurveillance Improvement Project
Scheduled work for for the Surveillance Improvement Project is at two different locations and consists of existing system removal and replacement with new camera location and system.
1) Cover Sheet: 00 Cover Sheet.doc 
2) Table of Contents: 01 Table of Contents.doc
4)Instructions to Bidders: 2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
5) Bid Form and Attachments: 5a)3.A Bid Form.doc 5b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 5c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 5d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 5e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx
6)Agreement: 4 Agreement.doc 6a)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 6b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf
7)General Conditions: 6 General Conditions.doc
8)Supplementary Conditions: 7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 
9a JLEC Camera Drawings.pdf 
9b Stateline Jail Camera Drawings.pdf
10)Specifications: Stateline Jail and JLEC  Specifications.pdf
11)Addendum 11a.Addendum One.doc 11b.4 Services Agreement Federal Funds.doc

12) Bid Tally Bid Tally.doc

Due May 9,2023 no later than 2PM
Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager
1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410
2023/04/052023/05/09View Details
RFP Bids for Airport Operations and Management Services.RFP Bids for Airport Operations and Management Services.

Douglas County, Nevada (“the County”) invites qualified firms/consultants (“Offerors”) to submit sealed proposals for Airport Operations and Management Services. The services are more specifically described in the “Scope of Work” section of this document. Civic Initiatives, a public procurement firm, will be assisting the County with the coordination of the procurement process.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Point of Contact: 

Stephanie Creed, CPPO, CPPB
Procurement Process Consultant
Civic Initiatives
[email protected]
512-523-4834 Ext 538


1.) Douglas County Airport Operations RFP Document

2.) Airport Rules and Regulations

3.) Airport Map

4.) Vendor Cost Proposal Form

5.) 3-13-2023 Amendment 1 Document

6.) Amendment 2 - Q&A Airport Operations and Management Services

7.) Douglas Airport Asset Listing

8.) Revised Attachment E - Vendor Cost Proposal Form


To be properly and timely considered, an electronic copy of the Offeror’s proposal must be received no later than 2:00 pm (PST), on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.
2023/03/012023/04/18View Details
RFP FOR Grant Writing ServicesDouglas County, Nevada (“the County”) invites qualified firms/consultants (“Offerors”) to submit sealed proposals for on-call professional grant writing services. The services are more specifically described in the “Scope of Work” section of this document. Civic Initiatives, a public procurement firm, will be assisting the County with the coordination of the procurement process.

1. Douglas County RFP for Grant Writing Services.pdf

2. Douglas County RFP for Grant Writing Services - Offeror Cost Proposal Form.xlsx

3. Grant Writing RFP Q&A


Hiren Desai
Senior Procurement Process Consultant
Civic Initiatives
[email protected]
512-523-4834 Ext 526


On or before 2PM PST of March 13, 2023
2023/02/132023/03/13View Details
Chemical Sales Weed Control 2023

The sales consist of chemicals to be used by the Douglas County Weed Control Division in their normal course of operation, primarily weed killer and fertilizer. A sample list of the chemicals is provided in the “Product List” (Attachment A).
Douglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified vendors to supply chemicals to the Weed Control Division of Douglas County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Request for Proposal Documents.

1)ADVERTISEMENT FOR RFP - Weed Control Chamicals 2-1-23.docx
2)Attachment A - Product List 2-1-23.pdf
3)Attachment B - RFP Form 2-1-23.doc

4) Bid Tally Bid Tally (Chemical Sales Weed Control 2023).pdf

Due March 17, 2023 at 10AM
Contact: Ryan Stanton
Parks Superintendent; Community Services Department 

1329 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville, NV 89410 
[email protected]


2023/02/132023/03/17View Details

The scheduled work consists of replacing the existing aluminum windows and aluminum siding with new, and painting. 

1) Cover Sheet 
00 Cover Sheet.doc 
2) Table of Contents 01 Table of Contents.doc
3) Advertisement 1 Advertisement for Bids OSenCe EI.doc
4) Instructions to Bidders  2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
5)Bid Forms and Attachments 5a) 3 Bid Form.doc 5b)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 5c) 3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 5d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 5e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 
6)Agreement 4 Agreement.doc
7)Performance and Payment Bonds  7a) 5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 7b)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 
8)General Conditions 6 General Conditions.doc
9)Supplementary Conditions 7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
10) Plans Plans.pdf

11) Bid Tally Bid Tally OSC EI.doc

Scott McCullough, Project Manager
1323 waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410

On or Before 2:00PM March 16, 2023

2023/01/182023/03/16View Details
Johnson Lane Park Storage Building Project


Construction of Johnson Lane Park storage building, to perform all work as specified or indicated in the Bidding Documents for the prices and within the times indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents.
1) Cover Sheet
00 Cover Sheet.doc
2) Table of Contents
01 Table of Contents.doc

3)Advertisement for Bids
Advertisement JLP SB.pdf
4)Instructions to Bidders 
2 Instructions to Bidders.doc
5) Bid Form and Attachments
5a) 3 Bid Form.doc 5b) 3.B Bid Bond.pdf 5c)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 5d)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 5e)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 
6) Agreement
4 Agreement.doc
7) Performance and Payments Bonds
7a. 5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 7b. 5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 
8) General Conditions 6 General Conditions.doc
9) Supplementary Conditions
7 Supplementary Conditions.doc
10) Plans Plans Permit Approved JLP SB.pdf

11) Bid Tally Bid Tally JLP SB.doc

Scott McCullough, Project Manager
1323 waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410

On or Before March 16,2023 By 2:00PM


2023/01/172023/03/16View Details
Requests for Proposals (RFP) for Douglas County Courthouse ProjectSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners care of Douglas County Public Works, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Douglas County Courthouse Project. The bids shall be received on or before 4:00 PM, on February 9, 2023 at the Minden Inn, Douglas County Offices of the County Manager located at 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden NV 89423.  The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on March 30, 2023. The owner will make a recommendation for award on March 30, 2023. It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on April 21, 2023.

**UPDATE** The scheduled Pre-CMAR RFP Submittal for the courthouse project meeting for 10:00 AM for today, January 10, 2023,  has changed locations due to weather. The meeting location has changed from Park Ranch to the SHERIFF'S TRAINING ROOM at the JLEC, located at 1038 Buckeye Rd. 

Related Documents: 

1.1 Timeline and Schedule (002).pdf

2 Advertisement for RFP (002).pdf

2.1 RFP Response Form.pdf

3 RFP.pdf

4 Preferential Bidders Status Affidavit.pdf

5.1 CMAR Fee Proposal Form.pdf

5 CMAR Preconstruction Services

7 Construction - Cover.pdf

8 Construction - Index.pdf

9 Construction - Contract.pdf

10 Construction - Exhibit A General Conditions_clean.pdf

11 Construction - Exhibit B Compensation Conditions.pdf

12 Construction - Exhibit C Addendum.pdf

13 Sign In Sheet Pre Submittal Meeting.pdf

RFP Contact: 

Scott McCullough
Project Manager
Douglas County
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
Minden NV 89423
(775) 790-5212 
[email protected]

2022/12/082023/02/09View Details
RFP for Compensation and Class Study Douglas County (the County) invites qualified firms/consultants to submit proposals for conducting a comprehensive compensation and classification study. The required services are herein described in the Scope of Work. Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the Documents and Requirements as set forth in this formal Request for Proposals (RFP). To be considered proposals must be received by Douglas County at Douglas County Human Resources, 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, P.O. Box 218, Minden, Nevada 89423, by no later than 2:00 p.m. on September 16, 2022 to: Wendy Lang Human Resource Director. 

To view the full RFP click here. 
To view Response to Questions Regarding Request for Proposals for a Compensation & Classification Study click here. 
2022/08/162022/09/16View Details
Update the Douglas County Comprehensive Trails PlanThe Douglas County Community Services Department is seeking proposals to prepare an update to the 2003 Douglas County Comprehensive Trails Plan.

Bid Documents
Trails Master Plan Update.pdf

Contact: Brook Adie
Assistant Director Community Services
Phone: (775)782-6246
Email: [email protected]
Location: 1329 Waterloo Ln, Gardnerville, NV 89410
Bid Due Date: 10AM Thursday September1, 2022
2022/07/252022/09/01View Details
Fairground Arena Lighting ProjectThe scheduled work for the Fairgrounds Arena Lighting Project consists of replacing the existing lights.

1 Advertisement for Bids.doc
Contract Documents
1)00 Cover Sheet.doc 2)01 Table of Contents.doc 3)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc 4)3 Bid Form.doc 5)3.B Bid Bond.pdf 6)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf 7)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf 8)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 9)4 Agreement.doc 10)5.A Construction Performance Bond.pdf 11)5.B Construction Payment Bond.pdf 12)6 General Conditions.doc 13)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 
Plans with Sheet Specifications Included.pdf 
Addendum One
Addendum One.doc
Exhibit One Addendum One
Exhibit One MUSCO Douglas County Submittal.pdf
Sign in Sheet 
 Sign In Sheet Pre Bid Meeting.pdf
Bid Tally

Scott McCullough, Project Manager
Phone: (775)790-5212
Bid Due Date: 2PM Thursday August 25, 2022
Location: 1323 Waterloo Ln
Gardnerville, NV 89410

2022/07/202022/08/25View Details
Eagle Ridge Booster Pump Station Rehabilitation

Advertisement for Bids - DCPW R2018-04-27_ERB.pdf

Section 00 11 13 – Advertisement for Bids

  1. Sealed Bids for the construction of the Eagle Ridge Pump Station Rehabilitation will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners, at the office of Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423 (Issuing Office), until 2:00 PM local time on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read.The Project consists of constructing the replacement of above-ground piping, pumps, and appurtenances, as well as electrical and automation components within the Eagle Ridge Pump Station building.


  2. Bid Documents may be examined and obtained electronically via Quest Construction Data Network ( project number 8217766.


  3. A pre-bid conference will be held at 10:00 AM local time on Thursday, June 02, 2022 at Douglas County Public Works, 1120 Airport Rd. #F-2, Minden, NV 89423.Attendance at the pre-bid conference is highly encouraged but is not mandatory. Project site visit will follow.


  4. The Engineers estimate for this work is $350,000.


  5. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.


  6. Douglas County contact: Nathan Smith                                                     Phone: 775.783.6025                          Email: [email protected]


  7. The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission shall be paid on projects with a contract price of $100,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public Works Project Number PWP-DO-2022-123 to this project.


  8. NRS 338.147 provides for a five percent (5%) bidder preference to bidders who establish that they qualify for the preference.


  9. The last date for submitting questions to the Owner to be addressed by Addendum is 4:00 PM local time Thursday, June 09, 2022.
2022/05/252022/06/21View Details
Dangberg Ranch Exterior RestorationThe scheduled work for the project consists of exterior restorations.

1 Advertisement for Bids.doc

Contract Documents
00 Cover Sheet.doc 2) 01 Table of Contents.doc 3)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc 4)3.A Bid Form.doc 5) 3.B Bid Bond.doc 6) 3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.doc 7)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.docx 8)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 9) 4 Agreement.doc 10)5.A Construction Performance Bond.doc 11)5.B Construction Payment Bond.doc 12)6 General Conditions.doc 13)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc


Plans 19028 Dangberg Ranch Exterior Restoration - Bid Documents - Drawings-signed.pdf


19028 Dangburg Ranch Exterior Restoration - Bid Documents - Project Manual-signed.pdf

Bid Results 
bid results.pdf

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager 

Phone:  (775) 790-5212

Bid Due Date: 2PM Thursday July 7, 2022 

Location: 1323 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville, NV 89410

2022/05/122022/07/07View Details
Chemical Sales Weed Control

The sales consist of chemicals to be used by the Douglas County Weed Control Division in their normal course of operation, primarily weed killer and fertilizer. A sample list of the chemicals is provided in the “Product List” (Attachment A).
Douglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified vendors to supply chemicals to the Weed Control Division of Douglas County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Request for Proposal Documents.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR RFP - Weed Mitigation Chamicals 3-3-22 sm.docx
Attachment A - Product List.doc
Attachment B - RFP Form 3-3-22sm.doc

Due April 1st, 2022 by 10AM

The Douglas County Weed Control Chemical RFP was posted on March 9, 2022 and closed April 1, 2022 at 10:00am. At bid closing there were not any bids received.  In accordance with NRS 332.148, Douglas County may enter into a weed control chemical purchase contract without further solicitation.

Contact: Ryan Stanton
Parks Superintendent; Community Services Department 
1329 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville, NV 89410 

2022/03/092022/04/01View Details
Dangberg Ranch Exterior Renovations

Separate sealed bids will be received by the Friends of Dangberg Home Ranch care of Douglas County Project Manager, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Dangberg Home Ranch Exterior Renovation. The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Thursday March 24, 2022 at the Parks Office, 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV 89410.
1 Advertisement for Bids.doc
Contract Documents
1)00 Cover Sheet.doc  2)01 Table of Contents.doc  3)2 Instructions to Bidders.doc 4)3.A Bid Form.doc   5)3.B Bid Bond.doc  6)3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.doc 7)3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.docx  8)3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx  9)4 Agreement.doc  10)5.A Construction Performance Bond.doc  11)5.B Construction Payment Bond.doc  12)6 General Conditions.doc  13)7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 14)21018 Dangberg Ranch- Addendum 01.pdf 15)21018 Dangberg Ranch- Addendum 02.pdf
Bid Talley
Bid Tally.doc

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager Phone:  (775) 790-5212

2022/02/102022/03/24View Details
DCSO Records Renovations ProjectRequesting Sealed Bids from qualified Contractors for the scheduled work on the DCSO Records Renovations Project consisting of remodeling the existing Records Department in accordance with the following documents. 
Bid due date: 02/17/2022 at 2PM
Advertisement | Plans | Contract Documents
2022/01/062022/01/17View Details
Jail Surveillance ProjectSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County care of Douglas County Project Manager, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Jail Surveillance Project The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm December 9, 2021 at Douglas County Parks Office, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 2:01 at Douglas County Parks Office, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on December 9, 2021, followed by a thorough review by the County to ensure bid as responsive and responsible. The County will make a recommendation for award to the Board of County Commissioners on December 10, 2021. It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on January 6, 2022.

The scheduled work for the Jail Surveillance Project is located 1038 Buckeye Road in the Judicial Law Enforcement Center and consists of existing system removal and replacement with new camera location and system. The estimate for this work is $475,000.

No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a bid security in the form of a Certified or Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond, in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid.

The minimum licensing requirement is set forth by the Nevada State Contractors Board, the contractor must capable of being bonded for this project. Contractors may register their intent to submit a bid by sending an email to Scott McCullough, Project Manager at [email protected] (SUBJECT LINE Jail SurveillanceProject) prior to December 2, 2021. Registration as a digital subscriber is necessary to receive notifications via email to the project from the Owner’s website where all documents and addenda will be posted.

Need plans, specifications and contract documents upload by end of Wednesday, November 10, 2021.

Click here to view the bid document packet

Click here to view Jail Surveillance Plans

Click here to view Jail Surveillance Specifications

Click here to view 3.B Bid Bond

Click here to view 3.C Contractor Qualification Statement

Click here to view 3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit

Click here to view 3.E Affidavit of Compliance

Click here to view 5.A Construction Performance Bond

Click here to view 5.B Construction Payment Bond

Click here to view the bid advertisement

Addendum One (Word Document)

Addendum 1 (PDF)

Sign In Sheet Pre Bid Conference

Bid Tally
2021/11/082021/12/09View Details
Douglas County Weed Mitigation Chemical RFP


Douglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified vendors to supply chemicals to the Weed Control Division of Douglas County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Request for Proposal Documents.

Advertisement for Request for Proposal 

RFP Title: Chemical Sales, Douglas County Weed Control

RFP Objective: The sales consist of chemicals to be used by the Douglas County Weed Control Division in their normal course of operation, primarily weed killer and fertilizer. A sample list of the chemicals is provided in the “Product List” (Attachment A).

RFP End Date: April 23, 2021

RFP Submission: Sealed Request for Proposal for Chemical Sales, Douglas County Weed Control will be received by Douglas County at the Douglas County Community Center at 1329 Waterloo, Gardnerville, Nevada 89410 until April, 23 2021 at 10:00 AM, at which time the Request for Proposal received will be opened publicly. Request for Proposal received after April, 23 2021 at 10:00 AM will not be opened or considered.

RFP Contact:
Geoff Bonar 

Budget Analyst; Community Services Department 

1329 Waterloo Lane 

Gardnerville, NV. 89410 

[email protected] 

(775) 782-6243

RFP Documents Request for Proposal documents can be obtained from the Douglas County Website ( 

2021/04/022021/04/23View Details
2021 Paver Improvement Project - Materials

It is the intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals for paver procurement.

Click on the following documents for more information:
Advertisement for RFP Materials
Paver Materials Contract
RFP Response Form Materials Only
Bid Tally

Point of Contact:
Scott McCullough, Project Manager
Douglas County
1323 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville NV 89410
(775) 790-5212
[email protected]

Proposal Due Date:
Sealed Proposals must be received at the Project Managers Office located at 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV89410 89423 by 2:00 P.M., on February 11, 2021.

2021/01/142021/02/11View Details
2021 Paver Improvement Project - LaborIt is the intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals for labor only for paver installation in various Douglas County Parks.

Click on the following documents for more information:
Advertisement for RFP Labor
Paver Labor Contract
RFP Response Form Labor Only
Bid Tally

Point of Contact:
Scott McCullough, Project Manager
Douglas County
1323 Waterloo Lane
Gardnerville NV 89410
(775) 790-5212
[email protected] 

Proposal Due Date:
Sealed Proposals must be received at the Project Managers Office located at 1323 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV
89410 89423 by 2:00 P.M., on February 11, 2021.
2021/01/142021/02/11View Details
ZWUD WTP Controls Improvements00 11 13 - ZWUD Advertisement for Bids_plr.pdf2020/11/132020/12/08View Details
Lampe Park Pathway Lighting ProjectLampe Park Pathway Lighting Project

The scheduled work for the Lampe Park Pathway Lighting Project consists of removing and replacing pathway lights.Click here to access the full RFP Packet.

Click on the following documents:
Construction and Specifications and Contract Documents
Advertisement for Bids
Plans for LPPL

Bid Tally

Bid Documents will be available starting September 9, 2020.

The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Thursday October 8, 2020 at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office located at 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV 89410.

Point of Contact: 
Scott McCullough, Project Manager
(775) 790-5212 
[email protected] 
2020/09/032020/10/08View Details
Ball Field Re-Metering ProjectBall Field Re-Metering Project
The scheduled work for the Ball Field Re Metering Project consists of removing and replacing MSB with two meters separating the ball field lighting.

Click on the following documents:
Construction Specifications and Contract Documents
Advertisement for Bids
Plans Aspen
Plans Stodick

Bid Tally

Bid Documents will be available starting September 9, 2020

The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Thursday October 8, 2020 at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office located at 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV 89410.

Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager
(775) 790-5212 
[email protected] 
2020/09/032020/10/08View Details
1800/01/011800/01/01View Details
Janitorial ServicesDouglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting bids from qualified vendors to provide Janitorial Services for the County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Bid Documents.

Click here for the full bid packet.
Addendum 1 to Bid

Pre-Bid Conference: May 29, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. (Conducted via Zoom)
Bid End Date: June 5, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Award Contract letter 

Bid Contact: Glen Radtke
[email protected]
2020/05/222020/06/05View Details

Town of Genoa Improvements Project CMAR RFP
Town Hall Renovations- Review and prioritize building needs including life safety structural, accessibility and MEP.
Town Kitchen- Review existing facilities and appliances for re-use, life safety and accessibility.
Town Church- review and evaluate existing foundation for improvements.

Click Here to access the full RFP Packet

Contact Information:
Scott McCullough, Project Manager
(775) 790-5212   
[email protected]

2020/02/182020/03/26View Details
Town of Genoa Improvement Project

Project Name:Town of Genoa Improvements Project
Estimated Building Area: TBD
Estimated Construction Budget:$ 1,000,000.00


It is the intent of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to solicit sufficient and verifiable information from prospective providers of Architectural Consulting Services to provide experienced and expert services for Douglas County Redevelopment Agency (OWNER) Town of Genoa Improvements Project. The delivery method for this project will be the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) in accordance with NRS.

Description of Construction:

Town Hall Renovations-Review and prioritize building needs including life safety structural, accessibility and MEP.
Town Kitchen- Review existing facilities and appliances for reuse, life safety and accessibility.
Town Church- review and evaluate existing foundation for improvements.

Description of Architectural Consulting Services:

The work that the OWNER expects the Architectural Consultant to perform includes measure existing conditions, provide drawings for review at Schematic Design, Design Development and 100% Construction Document, prepare electronic plans and specifications for bidding, bidding assistance and construction administration. Include design professionals for structural mechanical, plumbing and electrical.
Proposed contract for the Architectural Services, including the terms and general conditions of the contract, will be issued as part of the Request for Proposal Package.

Anticipated Schedule:
The anticipated date for interviews for those selected for interview is February 13, 2020.

The general time frame for pre-construction will be from March 12, 2020 through October 1, 2020. The general time frame for construction will be from October 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

Selection Criteria:
A detailed list of the selection criteria and weighting of the selection criteria used to rank the applicants for both the proposal and interview will be issued as part of the Request for Qualifications Package.

Contact Information:
Owner has posted the Request for Qualifications package on the County’s website at: under the Bid Posting and RFP’s tab

Point of Contact: Scott McCullough
Project Manager
Douglas County
1594 Esmeralda Avenue
Minden NV 89423
(775) 790-5212 [email protected]

Proposal Due Date:
Sealed Proposals must be received at the OWNER’s Office located at the Office of the County Manager, 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, Nevada 89423.
By 4:00 P.M., on January 30, 2020.

The OWNER reserves the right to change the budgets and schedules indicated above.

To see the Full RFQ Click Here 
To see the Architectural Contract click Here
To see the RFQ Design Services click Here

2019/12/162020/01/30View Details
To view Advertisement for Bid, Click here.

To view Bid Tally sheet, Click here.
2019/12/032020/01/09View Details
Videographer Services for Douglas County Public Meetings Overview
Douglas County, Nevada (the “County”) is requesting bids from qualified Videographers to provide Services for the County in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications set forth in the Bid Documents.

Advertisement for Bids
Bid Title & Objective
Videographer, Countywide
Provide monthly videographer services for the Douglas County Board of Commissioners and Planning Commission as scheduled and all services detailed in EXHIBIT “A” made part of this Request For Proposal.

To view the full Advertisement click here

To view the Award Letter click here.
2019/10/282019/11/22View Details
JLEC Storage Building Roof ProjectAdvertisement.pdf
Contract Documents.pdf
2019/10/172019/11/15View Details
East Fork Justice Court Room RemodelAdvertisement.pdf
Contract Doncuments East Fork.pdf
East Fork Pic. 1.pdf
East Fork Pic 2.pdf
East Fork Pic 3.pdf
East Fork Pic 4.pdf
2019/10/172019/11/15View Details
1800/01/011800/01/01View Details
Meridian Lift Station Improvement PlansMeridian Sewer Lift Station Advertisement for Bid.pdf

Recommendation for Award Meridian Lift Station Improvement Plans.pdf
2019/08/192019/09/10View Details
1800/01/011800/01/01View Details
Request For Proposals Cost Allocation Plan Douglas County is seeking a Consultant to prepare a cost allocation plan (CAP) to calculate the fully burdened costs of providing County services in order to ensure that all costs are properly being allocated and recovered.

The selected Consultant shall perform the tasks specified in the "Scope of Work" section below.

Proposals shall provide a straightforward and concise presentation adequate to satisfy the requirements of this Request for Proposals (RFP). Consultants are encouraged to suggest and incorporate additions or modifications to the scope that will enhance or clarify the CAP as needed.

For Full RFP Click Here. 
2019/07/252019/08/30View Details
2019-05-18 Final Consultant RFQ.pdf
2019-05-31 RFQ Addendum No 1.pdf
2019/05/182019/06/13View Details
2019-6-13 LTR RE Recommendation for Award ESP Embankment Repair and Baffle Curtains Project.pdf
2019/05/102019/06/04View Details
Bid Tally.pdfSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners care of Douglas County Public Works , Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Tahoe Justice Center Boiler Replacement Project.  The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Thursday April 25, 2019 at the Minden Inn, Douglas County Offices of the County Manager located at 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden NV 89423.  The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on Thursday April 25, 2019.  The owner will make a recommendation for award on April 26, 2019.  It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on May 16, 2019. 

Full Advertisement 
Cover Sheet.pdf
Table of Contents.pdf
Instructions to Bidders.pdf
Bid Form.pdf
Bid Bond.pdf
Contractor Qualification Statement.pdf
Non-Collusion Affidavit.pdf
Affidavit of Compliance.pdf
Construction Performance Bond.pdf
Construction Payment Bond.pdf
General Conditions.pdf
Supplementary Conditions.pdf
Addendum 1.pdf
Addendum 02.pdf
Bid Tally 

2019/03/192019/04/25View Details
RFP for Proposals for Professional Auditing Services Douglas County is requesting proposals from qualified certified public accounting firms to audit its financial statements and to perform other financial audits and reviews as specified. These audits are to be performed in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 354.624, auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the standards set forth for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (0MB) circular A-133 Audits of State and Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations.

To view the full RFP and submission information click here. 
2018/12/112019/02/11View Details
Walley's Well Replacement Project Phase 2To view current RFP click here2018/03/112018/12/17View Details
Electrical Service UpgradeDouglas Disposal Service, Inc., is formally requesting BIDS from licensed electrical contractors for installation and connection of power upgrade for NV Energy service line extension of a 30 PDM load break transformer, 750 KVA, and to power boxes and equipment at the Douglas County Transfer Station, 901 Pinenut Road, Gardnerville, Nevada2018/10/022018/10/19View Details
Request for Proposals (RFP) for Professional ServicesTo be considered for selection, please submit two (2) copies of your proposal to the address below by 5:00 p.m. October 15, 2018. Also, please submit a digital copy of your proposal to Edwin James at [email protected].

Carson Water Subconservancy District
777 E. William Street, Suite 110A
Carson City, NV 89701

Related Documents:
2018/09/142018/10/15View Details
Martin Slough Multimodel Trail

Martin Slough Multimodal Trail

PWP# DO-2022-043

Federal Project Number TAP-0005(002)

Trail Plan
BID Documents
Zip File
Addendum #1
Addendum #2

Bid Tabulation

The Douglas County Board of Commissioners invites sealed bids for the project entitled Martin Slough Multimodal Trail, to be received by Douglas County Community Development, located at 1594 Esmeralda Ave, Minden, Nevada, 89423, until 11:00 am local time on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read in Room 306 at Community Development.

This is a Federally Funded Project that consists of constructing an approximately 9,833 foot long, 10-foot wide, paved multimodal trail.  As this is a federally funded project, the federal provisions control if any County or State provisions conflict with the federal provisions. Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with the bid documents, drawings and plans, specifications and special conditions related hereto.

A pre-bid conference will be held at 11:00 am local time on November 3, 2021 located at Douglas County Community Development, Room 306, 1594 Esmeralda Ave, Minden, Nevada 89423. Attendance at the pre-bid is highly encouraged but NOT mandatory.

Plans and specifications may be examined and obtained at the following location:

ENGINEER:          Jeremy J. Hutchings, PE

                             1594 Esmeralda Avenue

                             Minden, Nevada  89423

                             ph: (775) 782-9063

                             Email: [email protected]

Contract Documents are available electronically at no charge to interested Bidders, or with a non-refundable deposit of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each hard copy. Bidders shall contact Douglas County to request electronic or hard copies of the Contract Documents.  Documents will be mailed to prospective bidders, if requested, for an additional non-refundable fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each set, to cover the cost of postage and handling.

Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.

Execution of an Agreement and submittal of performance and payment bonds equal to 100% of the contract amount will be required within 10 days upon award of the contract, which is estimated to be made on Thursday, December 16, 2021 at the Board of County Commissioners Meeting to the lowest reasonable and responsible bidder.

The Prevailing Wage Rate as established by the State Labor Commission or the Federal Prevailing Wage Rate per 29 CFR part 1926 (whichever is higher) shall be paid on projects with a contract price of $100,000 or more. The State Labor Commissioner has assigned Public Works Project Number PWP-DO-2022-043 to this project.

2021/10/212021/11/16View Details
Topaz Lake Boat Ramp Improvements ProjectTopaz Lake Boat Ramp Improvements Project. The scheduled work for the project of building a chained log breakwater.
Deadline 9/23/2021
Contact: Scott McCullough, Project Manager
(775)790-5212  [email protected] 

00 Cover Sheet.doc 
01 Table of Contents.doc 
1 Advertisement for Bids.doc 
2 Instructions to Bidders.doc 
3.A Bid Form.doc 
3.B Bid Bond.doc 
3.C Contractor Qualification Statement.doc 
3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit.docx 
3.E Affidavit of Compliance.docx 4 Agreement.doc 
5.A Construction Performance Bond.doc 
5.B Construction Payment Bond.doc 6 General Conditions.doc 
7 Supplementary Conditions.doc 
Bid Tally Brake Water.pdf

2021/08/252021/09/23View Details
2021/22 Douglas County Paver Improvement Project

 Provide labor and all necessary tools to install Basalite 5x8 San Francisco Cobblestone (Positano) Pavers in the following Parks.

Stodick Park, 1414 Toler Lane, Gardnerville
Advertisement for RFP Labor
Paver Labor Contract
RFP Response Form Labor Only
Bid Tally.pdf

2021/10/082021/08/27View Details
Cave Rock Water System Improvement ProjectDouglas County Cave Rock Water System Improvement Project

It is the intent of this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit sufficient and verifiable information from prospective providers of Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services to provide experienced and expert services for Douglas County’s (OWNER) Cave Rock Water System Improvement Project.

Click here to access the full RFP Packet
Issue Date 4/16/20
5/1/20 Pre Submittal Conference Sign In Sheet

Proposals Due: 5/21/20

Bid Tally
Interview Tally

Point of Contact:
Scott McCullough, Project Manager
(775) 790-5212
[email protected] 
2020/04/142020/05/21View Details
To view Advertisement for Bid, click here.
To view Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet, click here.
To view Bid Tally Sheet, click here.
2019/05/012019/05/21View Details
To view Advertisement for Bid, click here.

To view Bid Tally Sheet, click here.
2019/03/272019/04/18View Details
Douglas County Community Center Climbing WallTo view Advertisement for Bid, click here.
To view Bid Tally Sheet, click here.
2018/12/132019/02/14View Details

Separate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners care of Douglas County Community Services, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Douglas County Community Services Pavement Maintenance Project. The bids shall be received on or before 10:00 am on Tuesday June 5, 2018 at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office located at 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 10:01 am at Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office. The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on June 5, 2018. The Owner will make a recommendation for award on June 6, 2018. It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on June 21, 2018.

Related Documents:

00 Cover Sheet
01 Table of Contents
1 Advertisement for Bids
2 Instructions to Bidders
3.A Bid Form
3.B Bid Bond
3.C Contractor Qualification Statement
3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit
3.E Affidavit of Compliance
4 Agreement
5.A Construction Performance Bond
5.B Construction Payment Bond
6 General Conditions
7 Supplementary Conditions
Plans Community and Senior Center
Plans Lampe Park
Plans Parks Office
Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet
Bid Tally
Recommendation for Award 2021 Douglas County Road Seal Project.pdf
2018/05/212018/06/05View Details
North Kingsbury Trailhead Site Improvement ProjectSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners care of Douglas County Community Services, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the North Kingsbury Trailhead Site Improvement Project. The bids shall be received on or before 10:00 am on Friday February 23, 2018 at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office located at 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 10:01 am at Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office. The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on February 23, 2018. The Owner will make a recommendation for award on February 23, 2018.  It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on March 15, 2018.

Related Documents:

00 Cover Sheet
01 Table of Contents
1 Advertisement for Bids
2 Instructions to Bidders
3.A Bid Form
3.B Bid Bond
3.C Contractor Qualification Statement
3.D Non-Collusion Affidavit
3.E Affidavit of Compliance
4 Agreement
5.A Construction Performance Bond
5.B Construction Payment Bond
6 General Conditions
7 Supplementary Conditions
Plans KiNo Utility
Pre Bid Conference Sign In Sheet
Bid Tally

2018/01/212018/02/23View Details
Kahle Community Center Improvement ProjectSeparate sealed bids will be received by the Douglas County Board of Commissioners care of Douglas County Community Services, Minden, Nevada, for the work as set forth in the Bid Documents for the Kahle Community Center Improvement Project. The bids shall be received on or before 2:00 pm on Wednesday January 31, 2018 at the Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office located at 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville, NV 89410. Bids will be subsequently opened and read aloud at 2:01 pm at Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Community Services Administrative Office. The apparent successful low bidder will be announced at the bid opening on Wednesday January 31, 2018. The Owner will make a recommendation for award on February 2, 2018. It is anticipated that the Board of Douglas County Commissioners will consider award of the contract at their scheduled meeting held on March 1, 2018.

The scheduled work for the Kahle Community Center Improvement Project consists of roof modification, new single ply, masonry and metal siding maintenance and interior flooring. The Engineers estimate for this work is $368,000.00.

Addendum 01 has been posted as of January 23, 2018.

Related Documents:
Signed Advertisement
Project Manual
Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet
17016 Douglas County Kahle Community Center Upgrades - Addendum 01
2 Instructions to Bidders
4 Agreement
Bid Tally

2017/11/172018/01/31View Details
1800/01/011800/01/01View Details
Janitorial Services -Public Works Janitorial Services RFP
Sample Contract 
Addendum 01 
Addendum 02
2018/08/152018/09/05View Details